- Renaissance Humanism
- Post Modern Philosophy and Theology
- Apophatic Theology
- Nietzsche's Critique of Christianity
- Revelation
- Jesus and the Eyewitnesses
- Marx, Marxism and Theology
- Technology and Theology
- The Gospel of John and Imagery
- The Philosophical Thought and Works of John Hick. Part 2 of 2.
- An Introduction to Barth's Theological Development. Part 1 of 2.
- An Introduction to Barth's Theological Development. Part 2 of 2.
- Animal Theology
- Peter Singer
- Introduction to Rene Descartes. Part 1 of 2.
- Rene Descartes: His Legacy and Rationalism. Part 2 of 2.
- Why believe?
- An Analysis of Richard Dawkins' Assumptions
- Cosmological Argument
- The Life, Works and Influence of Joseph Butler
- John Henry Newman
- Plato and Theology
- Rudolf Bultmann
- David Hume
- Samuel
- Modern Theology
- The Life, Works and Influence of Hans Wilhelm Frei
- The Life, Works, Influence and Death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Karl Barth and Contemporary Theology
- An Understanding of Enlightenment
- Rowan Williams
- The Distinctive Characteristics of Evangelicalism and its Growth
- Alvin Plantinga Part 2
- The Kingdom of God, Understanding Jesus
- Corinthians in Context
- Eschatology: Where will it all end?
- Exploration of the Faith verses Reason argument
- Hegel: A Dramatic Introduction Part 1
- Hegel Part 2
- Jesus' Miracles
- Miracles and Human Misconceptions
- Jesus, God and Man, Wolfhart Pannenberg
- Postmodern Philosophy and Faith
- The Parables of Jesus
- Who was Jesus?
- The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant Part 1
- The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant Part 2
- The Life and Works of Balthasar. Part 2
- The Life and Works of Balthasar. Part 1.
- Sigmund Freud
- The Life, Works and Influence of John Calvin
- The Life and Theology of Daniel W. Hardy
- Albrecht Ritschl
- The 'Old Quest' for the Historical Jesus
- Key Figures From Early Feminist Theology
- Ludwig Wittgenstein. Part 1.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein. Part 2.
- Friedrich Schleiermacher. Part 2.
- Friedrich Schleiermacher and His Theology. Part 1.
- Nouvelle Theology, Henri de Lubac and Radical Othodoxy
- Radical Orthodoxy. Part 1.
- Radical Orthodoxy. Part 2.
- The Thought and Works of John Locke
- Simone Weil. Part 1.
- Simone Weil. Part 2.
- Simone Weil. Part 3.
- Slavoj Zizek
- The Psychoanalytical Philosophy of Jacques Lacan
- Theological Aesthetics and Art
- Paul Tillich. Part 1.
- Black Theology
- Liberation Theology and Radical Christianity
- The Theological Thought of Martin Luther. Part 1.
- The Theological Thought of Martin Luther. Part 2.
- The Life and Works of Stanley Hauerwas
- Jacques Derrida. Part 1 Deconstruction.
- Jacques Derrida. Part 2 Religious Motifs.
- Søren Kierkegaard
- The Life of Charles Darwin and his Development of the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
- Carl Schmitt and Political Theology
- The Philosophical Thought of Jean-François Lyotard
- The Theological Development & Major Works of Anthony Thiselton. Part 1.
- The Theological Development & Major Works of Anthony Thiselton. Part 2.
- The Dead Sea Scrolls
- Sepphoris, Tiberias and Caesarea
- Bethlehem
- Galilee
- C S Lewis
- Martin Buber
- Introducing Christian Ethics
- Isaiah
- Blaise Pascal
- New Perspective on Paul
- Ernst Troeltsch. Part 1.
- The Post Secular
- Hegel
- Jacques Derrida. Part 3 Theology.
- Gillian Rose
- Jean-Paul Sartre
- Origen
- The Theological and Philosophical Thought of Karl Rahner
- Romanticism and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- Luce Irigaray
- Hans-Georg Gadamer
- Theology of Religions
- The Philosophical Thought and Works of John Hick. Part 1 of 2.
- Message of Paul, Gospel and Empire
- The Gospel of John. Part 1.
- Paul's Letter to the Philippians
- James
- Gilles Deleuze
- Alvin Plantinga. Part 1.
- Do we need the New Testament?
- The Mission of God
- Evangelicals and Animals
- God, Sexuality and the Self
- Fabricating Jesus from the Gnostic Gospels to the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Christian Apologetics
- William James
- Emmanuel Levinas
- Hermeneutics
- Jürgen Habermas and Theology. Part 2.
- Jürgen Habermas and Theology. Part 1.
- Barth and Philosophy-Was Barth a Kantian?
- Enlightenment—Its Origins and Implications
- Immanuel Kant—A Dramatic Introduction In Story, Imagery and Metaphor. Part 1.
- Immanuel Kant—A Dramatic Introduction. Part 2.
- Ernst Troeltsch. Part 2.
- Paul Tillich. Part 2.
- Contemporary Theology
- Ricoeur
- The New Atheists
- The Hellenization of Christian Doctrine
- Ezra and Nehemiah
- John Wesley
- The Scientific Revolution of the Middle Ages and Galileo's Contribution
- Dostoyevsky
- Bonaventure
- Challenges in Christology
- Paul and the Faithfulness of God
- The Gospel of Mark
- Catholic Social Teaching
- Ezekiel
- The Apostle Paul in Greece
- Revelation-An Introduction
- The Apostle Paul's Corinth
- Apocalyptic Language and Metaphor
- Byzantine Theology. Part 1.
- Justin Martyr
- Herod the Great-A Legacy in Stone
- How did Jesus Become God?
- Reading Paul's Epistles for the First Time
- The Gospel of Matthew
- Byzantine Theology. Part 2.
- 2 Corinthians
- Rowan Williams' Theological Development
- Gnosticism
- Galatians
- The Atonement Debate
- Evil and Suffering Perspectives. Part 2.
- Evil and Suffering Perspectives. Part 1.
- Theological Philosophy
- Acts of the Apostles
- The Gospel of Luke: An Introduction
- Michel Henry
- Athanasius
- The Reformation
- Science and Humanity
- Phenomenology and the Theological Turn. Part 1 of 2.
- Phenomenology and the Theological Turn. Part 2 of 2.
- Meillassoux and Speculative Realism
- James Cone
- Western Marxism and Theology
- Thomas Aquinas
- Genesis
- Heidegger Part 1
- Heidegger Part 2
- Heidegger Part 3
- Natural Theology
- Augustine Of Hippo Part 1
- Augustine Of Hippo Part 2
- Book of Numbers
- Feuerbach
- Implicit Christology
- Bishop Berkeley
- Gadamer
- Cappadocian Fathers
- Jürgen Moltmann
- Future of Christian Theology
- Anselm
- Albert Schweitzer
- Introduction to Romans
- Resurrection
- Phenomenology: An Introduction
- Christology
- Introduction To Theology From Three Perspectives
- Analytical Theology
- Metaphysics
- Post Liberal Theology
- Philosophical Theology
- Philo Of Alexandria
- Panentheism
- The Gospel of John. Part 2.
- Philosophy and Theology. Part 1.
- K.E. Løgstrup and The Ethical Demand
- Philosophy and Theology. Part 2.
- Open Theism
- German Idealism and Religion
- God and French Phenomenology
- Kelly Brown Douglas
- Bruno Latour
- Mind and Materialism
- Johann Georg Hamann
- Kierkegaard: Critique of Rational Theology
- Paul Ricoeur
- Nikolai Berdyaev
- Matter, Mind and God Part One
- Gregory of Narek
- Mind, Matter and God Part Two
- Religion, Rationality and Ambiguity
- Introduction To Theology Part One
- Introduction to Theology Part Two: Mike Higton
- Introduction to Theology Part Three: Discussion of Mike Higton's Ideas
- Introduction to Theology Part Four: Sarah Brush
- Introduction to Theology Part Five: Discussion of Sarah Brush's Ideas
- Introduction to Theology Part Six: Anderson Jeremiah
- Introduction to Theology Part Seven: Discussion of Anderson Jeremiah's Ideas
- Mind, Matter and God Part Three
- Kierkegaard's Catholic Reception
- Erich Przywara
- Edith Stein
- Thomas Aquinas: The Metaphysics of Creation
- Artificial Intelligence and Theology
- Panpsychism and Theology
- History Of Philosophy Part One: Thales of Miletus
- History of Philosophy Part Two: Anaximander and Anaximenes
- History of Philosophy Part Three: Xenophanes
- Martin Luther and Modernity
- History of Philosophy Part Four: Pythagoras
- Christian Theology and Mental Illness Part One
- English Reformation Part One
- English Reformation Part Two
- Herbert McCabe
- Touch: Recovering Our Most Vital Sense
- Grammatical Thomism
- The Purpose of The Universe
- Philosophy and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Part One
- C.S. Lewis: The Literary Writer
- Nicholas Of Cusa
- Theology of Refugees
- Philosophy and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Part Two
- Christian Theology and Mental Illness Part Two
- Iris Murdoch: Her Moral Philosophy
- Elizabeth Anscombe
- Reception History and the Psalms