Old Testament

Book of Numbers

By Richard Briggs

Richard Briggs discusses the book of Numbers.


By David Firth

David Firth discusses the book of Samuel in the Old Testament.

Reception History and the Psalms

By Susan Gillingham

Susan Gillingham talks about reception history and the Psalms.

Do we need the New Testament?

By John Goldingay

John Goldingay discusses the question—'Do we need the New Testament?'


By Walter Moberly

Walter Moberly discusses the book of Genesis.


By Thomas Renz

Thomas Renz discusses the book of Ezekiel, who was deported to Babylon in 597 BCE, prophesied during a turbulent period, with his initial ministry involving dramatic symbolic acts and messages of judgment, emphasizing God's sovereignty and the inevitability of Jerusalem's fall.  

Ezra and Nehemiah

By David Shepherd

David Shepherd discusses the books of Ezra and Nehemiah from the Old Testament.


By Hugh Williamson

Hugh Williamson provides an introduction to the origins of the book of Isaiah and its major theological themes.

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