Christian Apologetics

By Simon Edwards in July 2016

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Runtime: 48 mins

Simon Edwards discusses the different approaches to apologetics, defending apologetics and suggesting ways in which apologetics can be done today. Christian apologetics is the rational defence of Christian beliefs, rooted in giving reasons rather than apologizing. It aims to justify Christianity to both non-believers and believers, aligning with biblical directives like 1 Peter 3:15. Apologetics counters the view of faith as blind or irrational, especially given challenges from figures like Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris. This practice often resonates with thinking individuals seeking coherent explanations, bridging gaps to faith. Various approaches—classical, evidential, cumulative case, presuppositional, and reformed epistemology—differ in strategies, from evidential arguments to abductive reasoning, seeking to establish Christian truths logically or through inferred explanations from observed realities.

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Produced in July 2016. Provisional captions.



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