
By Thomas Renz in June 2012

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Runtime: 22 mins

Thomas Renz discusses the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel is renowned for his visions of God's glory: its approach in chapters 1-3, departure from Jerusalem in chapters 8-11, and return in chapters 40-48. The prominent vision is the valley of dry bones in chapter 37, which symbolizes the restoration of Israel from exile. Ezekiel, deported to Babylon in 597 BCE, prophesied during a turbulent period, with his initial ministry involving dramatic symbolic acts and messages of judgment, emphasizing God's sovereignty and the inevitability of Jerusalem's fall. Ezekiel's later ministry focused on hope and renewal, portraying a future resurrection of the exiled community and their return to the land.

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Produced in June 2012. Provisional captions.



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