History Of Philosophy Part One: Thales of Miletus
By Peter Adamson

History of Philosophy Part Two: Anaximander and Anaximenes
By Peter Adamson

History of Philosophy Part Three: Xenophanes
By Peter Adamson

Renaissance Humanism
By Jonathon Arnold
Jonathon Arnold discusses the distinctive features of Renaissance humanism and their relevance for Christianity.

Marx, Marxism and Theology
By Christopher Brittain
Christopher Brittain discusses how Karl Marx developed his philosophy, looking at its impact on theology and history.

Western Marxism and Theology
By Christopher Brittain
Christopher Brittain discusses western Marxists and their renewed interest in religion and their influence on the theology of the latter half of the twentieth century.

Philosophy and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Part One
By Mark Coffey
Mark Coffey discusses the philosophy and ethics of artificial intelligence.