Philosophy - Ideas

Emmanuel Falque

By Emmanuel Falque

Emmanuel Falque discusses Philosophy and Theology from different historical perspectives.

Philosophy and Theology. Part 2.

By Emmanuel Falque

Emmanuel Falque continues his discussion on Philosophy and Theology by looking through a patristic and medieval lens.

The Scientific Revolution of the Middle Ages and Galileo's Contribution

By James Hannam

James Hannam discusses the Scientific Revolution that happened during the Middle Ages and the contribution that Galileo made along with the Church's resistance.

Romanticism and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

By Douglas Hedley

Douglas Hedley discusses Romanticism as it emerges from Enlightenment and the life and theology of the philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge.


By King Ho Leung

King Ho Leung discusses what metaphysics is and how it relates to theology.

Exploration of the Faith verses Reason argument

By Tim Hull

Tim Hull explores the Faith verses Reason argument by discussing the argument from early philosophers to present day thinking by principally referring to Plato's image of someone emerging from a cave.

Hegel: A Dramatic Introduction Part 1

By Tim Hull

Tim Hull discusses Hegel's pervasive influence over 18th and 19th century philosophy.

Hegel Part 2

By Tim Hull

Tim Hull continues his portrait of Hegel and his philosophy.

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