The Distinctive Characteristics of Evangelicalism and its Growth
David Hilborn discusses the distinctive characteristics of Evangelicalism and its origins and growth.

English Reformation Part One
Charlotte Gauthier discusses the English Reformation in the 13th and 14th centuries.

English Reformation Part Two
Charlotte Gauthier continues her discussion of the English Reformation by looking at the 15th Century onwards.

The Scientific Revolution of the Middle Ages and Galileo's Contribution
James Hannam discusses the Scientific Revolution that happened during the Middle Ages and the contribution that Galileo made along with the Church's resistance.

The Hellenization of Christian Doctrine
Rowan Williams discusses the hellenization of Christian doctrine.

Justin Martyr
Andrew Hayes discusses Justin Martyr, a significant early Christian apologist.

Postmodern Philosophy and Faith
Tim Hull and William Lane Craig discuss the significance of postmodern philosophy for theology today.

The Reformation
Judith Rossall discusses Martin Luther and Huldrych (Ulrich) Zwingli's part in the sixteenth century reformation.