Thomas Aquinas
By Franklin T Harkins
Franklin Harkins discusses Aquinas and his influence on theology.

By Jarel Robinson Brown
Jarel Robinson Brown discusses Athanasius of Alexandria, a key theologian in early Christian history, who significantly shaped the development of Christian doctrine.

Augustine Of Hippo Part 1
By Janet Soskice
Janet Soskice discusses the life and influence of Augustine of Hippo.

Augustine Of Hippo Part 2
By Janet Soskice
Janet Soskice continues her discussion of the life and influence of Augustine of Hippo.

The Life and Works of Balthasar. Part 2
By Karen Kilby
Karen Kilby discusses the life and work of Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar.

The Life and Works of Balthasar. Part 1.
By Karen Kilby
Karen Kilby discusses the life and works of Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar.

Karl Barth and Contemporary Theology
By Tom Greggs
Tom Greggs discusses the contemporary relevance of Karl Barth's theology.