Barth and Philosophy-Was Barth a Kantian?
By Tim Hull
Tim Hull discusses the question—Was Barth a Kantian?

An Introduction to Barth's Theological Development. Part 1 of 2.
By David Clough
David Clough discusses Karl Barth's early theological development.

An Introduction to Barth's Theological Development. Part 2 of 2.
By David Clough
David Clough discusses Karl Barth's later theological development.

By Lydia Schumacher
Lydia Schumacher discusses Bonaventure, a significant Franciscan thinker of the 13th century.

The Life, Works, Influence and Death of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
By Tom Greggs
Tom Greggs discusses how Bonhoeffer's theology shaped his life and created incredible inner searching during the 2nd World War as he smuggled Jews out of Germany and opposed Hitler's regime.

Rudolf Bultmann
By David Fergusson
David Fergusson describes Bultmann's theological journey from his liberal training through to Bultmann's assertion that the only critical element of the life of Jesus is the crucifixion.