Message of Paul, Gospel and Empire

By N T Wright in January 2009

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Runtime: 6 mins

N. T. Wright explores the ideology of empire and how the cult surrounding Caesar helps us in understanding the way the gospel would have been heard in the Roman world. In the 50s and 60s, views on politics and the New Testament centered on passages like Jesus' "render unto Caesar" and Paul's statements in Romans 13, seemingly endorsing state authority. However, recent theological perspectives reevaluate Paul's writings in the context of Roman imperial cults, emphasizing subversive elements challenging Caesar worship. Paul's emphasis on Jesus as Lord, contrasting with Caesar's claims, positions Christ as the true source of justice and peace. This reinterpretation of Paul's political theology integrates with traditional theological themes like justification by faith and Christology, reflecting a broader narrative of Christian origins and theological development.

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Produced in January 2009. Provisional captions.

N. T. Wright is Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrews and Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.



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